Podiatry for Hip Pain

Hip pain may be caused by the incorrect alignment of the bones and muscles positioned underneath your hips. In many instances, hip pain experience because your feet or knees are out of balance, very weak, or the muscles around the hip are weak. Consequently, this causes the joint in the hip to overcompensate and create various problems or conditions, such as:

  • Hip arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • IIio Tibial Band (ITB) issues

Occasionally these hip problems may lead to a functional Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD). Alternatively, you may have an actual LLD that has caused your hip problem.

Assessing your hip problem

To restore balance and stability to your hips, we perform a holistic examination to determine areas needing attention. We also look at muscle strengthening exercises and stretching to align legs correctly. Sometimes, we may recommend orthoses (orthotics) or better footwear to align the feet.

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